
Randomizes a given number of classes in a motive list.

    'input_motl_fn', input_motl_fn (''),
    'output_motl_fn', output_motl_fn (''),
    'num_classes', num_classes ('2'))

Takes the motive list given by input_motl_fn, and splits it into num_classes even classes using the 20th row of the motive list, and then writes the transformed motive list out as output_motl_fn. The values that go into the 20th row start at 3 and particles that initially have negative or the value 2 in the 20th row are ignored as described in AV3 documentation for the behavior of class numbers.


    'input_motl_fn', 'combinedmotl/allmotl_1.em', ...
    'output_motl_fn', 'combinedmotl/allmotl_multiref_1.em', ...
    'num_classes', '2')

See Also