
Cleans a given MOTL file based on distance and or CC scores.

    'input_motl_fn', input_motl_fn (''),
    'output_motl_fn', output_motl_fn (''),
    'tomo_row', tomo_row (7),
    'do_ccclean', do_ccclean (0),
    'cc_fraction', cc_fraction (1),
    'cc_cutoff', cc_cutoff (-1),
    'do_distance', do_distance (0),
    'distance_cutoff', distance_cutoff (Inf),
    'do_cluster', do_cluster (0),
    'cluster_distance', cluster_distance (0),
    'cluster_size', cluster_size (1),
    'do_edge', do_edge (0),
    'tomogram_dir', tomogram_dir (''),
    'box_size', box_size (0),
    'write_stats', write_stats (0),
    'output_stats_fn', output_stats_fn (''))

Takes the motl given by input_motl_fn, and splits it internally by tomogram given by the row tomo_row in the MOTL, and then removes particles by one or multiple methods, if do_ccclean evaluates to true as a boolean then one of two methods can be applied. Either cc_cutoff is specified and particles that have a CCC less than cc_cutoff will be discarded. Alternatively cc_fraction can be specified as a number between 0 and 1 and that fraction of the data with the highest CCCs will be kept and the rest discarded. If do_distance evaluates to true as a boolean then particles that are within distance_cutoff pixels of each other will be determined and only the particle with the highest CCC, will be kept. If do_cluster evaluates to true as a boolean,then particles must have at least cluster_size neighbor particles within cluster_distance to be kept after cleaning. Finally if do_edge evaluates to true as a boolean then the program will look for a tomogram in tomogram_dir, and if a particle of box size box_size would extend outside of the tomogram it will be removed.


    'input_motl_fn', 'combinedmotl/allmotl_3.em', ...
    'output_motl_fn', 'combinedmotl/allmotl_3_cc0.1_dist4_c2d10.em', ...
    'tomo_row', 7, ...
    'do_ccclean', 1, ...
    'cc_fraction', 1, ...
    'cc_cutoff', 0.1, ...
    'do_distance', 1, ...
    'distance_cutoff', 4, ...
    'do_cluster', 1, ...
    'cluster_distance', 10, ...
    'cluster_size, 2, ...
    'do_edge', 1, ...
    'tomogram_dir', '../../tomos/bin8', ...
    'box_size', 36, ...
    'write_stats', 1, ...
    'output_stats_fn', 'combinedmotl/allmotl_3_cleaned_stats.csv')

See Also