
Renumbers particle indices in a motive list.

    'input_motl_fn', input_motl_fn (''),
    'output_motl_fn', output_motl_fn (''),
    'sort_row', sort_row (0),
    'do_sequential', do_sequential (0))

Takes the motive list given by input_motl_fn, and renumbers the particles in field 4 of the MOTL and writes out the renumbered list to output_motl_fn. If do_sequential evaluates to true as a boolean then the motive list will just be renumbered from 1 to the number of particles in the MOTL, and the initial particle indices will be lost. If do_sequential evaluates to false as a boolean, then particle indices will be kept with any duplicates of the particle index incremented by the largest particle index found in the motive list.

For example if do_sequential is 0, and we have 100 particles where the first particle index is 4, and the largest particle index in the motive list is 325. If there are 3 copies of particle index 16 in the motive list, then it will be renumbered so that these 3 copies correspond to particle indices 16, 341, and 666. In this way as long as we keep the original motive list we can trace back the origin of each particle.


    'input_motl_fn', 'combinedmotl/allmotl_1.em', ...
    'output_motl_fn', 'combinedmotl/allmotl_unique_1.em', ...
    'sort_row', 4, ...
    'do_sequential', 0)

See Also