
Calculates “mask-corrected” FSC and sharpened refs.

    'ref_a_fn_prefix', ref_a_fn_prefix ('even/ref/ref'),
    'ref_b_fn_prefix', ref_b_fn_prefix ('odd/ref/ref'),
    'fsc_mask_fn', fsc_mask_fn ('FSC/fsc_mask.em'),
    'output_fn_prefix', output_fn_prefix ('FSC/ref'),
    'filter_a_fn', filter_a_fn (''),
    'filter_b_fn', filter_b_fn (''),
    'do_reweight', do_reweight (0),
    'do_sharpen', do_sharpen (0),
    'plot_fsc', plot_fsc (0),
    'plot_sharpen', plot_sharpen (0),
    'filter_mode', filter_mode (1),
    'pixelsize', pixelsize (1.0),
    'nfold', nfold (1),
    'filter_threshold', filter_threshold (0.143),
    'rand_threshold', rand_threshold (0.8),
    'b_factor', b_factor (0),
    'box_gaussian', box_gaussian (1),
    'iteration', iteration (1))

Takes in two references ref_a_fn_prefix _#.em and ref_b_fn_prefix _#.em where # corresponds to iteration and a FSC mask fsc_mask_fn and calculates a “mask-corrected” FSC. This works by randomizing the structure factor phases beyond the point where the unmasked FSC curve falls below a given threshold (by default 0.8) and calculating an additional FSC between these phase randomized maps. This allows for the determination of the extra correlation caused by effects of the mask, which is then subtracted from the normal masked FSC curves. The curve will be saved as a Matlab figure and a PDF file, and if plot_fsc is true it will also be displayed.

The script can also output maps with the prefix output_fn_prefix that have been sharpened with b_factor if do_sharpen is turned on. This setting has two threshold settings selected using filter_mode, FSC (1) and pixel (2). FSC allows you to use a FSC-value filter_threshold as a cutoff for the lowpass filter, while using pixels allows you to use an arbitrary resolution cutoff in filter_threshold. The sharpening curve will be saved as a Matlab figure and a pdf file, and if plot_sharpen is true it will also be displayed.

Finally this script can also perform and output reweighted maps if do_reweight is true, and the pre-calculated Fourier weight volumes filter_a_fn and filter_b_fn.


    'ref_a_fn_prefix', 'even/ref/ref', ...
    'ref_b_fn_prefix', 'odd/ref/ref', ...
    'fsc_mask_fn', 'FSC/fsc_mask.em', ...
    'output_fn_prefix', 'FSC/ref', ...
    'filter_a_fn', '', ...
    'filter_b_fn', '', ...
    'do_reweight', 0, ...
    'do_sharpen', 1, ...
    'plot_fsc', 1, ...
    'plot_sharpen', 1, ...
    'filter_mode', 1, ...
    'pixelsize', 1.35, ...
    'nfold', 6, ...
    'filter_threshold', 0.143, ...
    'rand_threshold', 0.8, ...
    'b_factor', -1500, ...
    'box_gaussian', 3, ...
    'iteration', 1)