
Compares orientations, shifts and class changes between two MOTLs.

    'motl_1_fn', motl_1_fn (''),
    'motl_2_fn', motl_2_fn (''),
    'write_diffs', write_diffs (0),
    'output_diffs_fn', output_diffs_fn (''))

Takes the motls given by motl_1_fn and motl_2_fn and calculates the differences for both the orientations and coordinates between corresponding particles in each motive list. For multireference alignment the number of particles that have changed class is also determined. If write_diffs evaluates to true as a boolean, then also a CSV file with the differences in coordinates and orientations to diffs_output_fn.


    'motl_1_fn', 'combinedmotl/allmotl_1.em', ...
    'motl_2_fn', 'combinedmotl/allmotl_2.em', ...
    'write_diffs', 1, ...
    'output_diffs_fn', 'combinedmotl/allmotl_1_2_diff.csv')

See Also