
Concatenate motive lists and print on the standard output.

    'write_motl', write_motl (0),
    'output_motl_fn', output_motl_fn (''),
    'write_star', write_star (0),
    'output_star_fn', output_star_fn (''),
    'sort_row' sort_row (0),
    'do_quiet', do_quiet (0),

Takes the motive lists given in input_motl_fns, and concatenates them all together. If write_motl evaluates to True as a boolean then the joined motive lists are written out as ouput_motl_fn. The function writes the motive list information in STAR format and if write_star evaluates to True as a boolean then the joined motive lists are also written out as output_star_fn. Since the input motive lists can be in any order and this does not guarantee that the output motive list will have any form of sorting, if sort_row is a valid field number the output motive list will be sorted by sort_row.

The motive list is also printed to standard ouput. An arbitrary choice has been made to ouput the motive list in STAR format, since it is used in other more well-known EM software packages. If this screen output is not desired set do_quiet to evaluate to true as a boolean.


    'write_motl', 1, ...
    'output_motl_fn', 'combinedmotl/allmotl_1_joined.em', ...
    'write_star', 1, ...
    'output_star_fn', 'combinedmotl/', ...
    'sort_row', 4, ...
    'do_quiet', 1, ...
    'combinedmotl/allmotl_1_tomo_1.em', ...

See Also