

Preprocessing is done for dose-fractionated data that comes from detectors that collect movie tilt-images. Preprocessing is done with several programs from various sources.

  • Beam-induced Motion Correction

    • The command alignframes alignframes man page which is a part of the IMOD package is used to do the beam-induced motion correction of the movies. subTOM assumes that the data is collected with SerialEM but the program should support MRC and TIFF format movie-frames collected with other programs as well. However this requires you to have your movies to have the following name-scheme:

      • <BASENAME>_<FRAME_IDX>_<ANGLE>.<mrc|tif>

        • Where <BASENAME> is your own filename identifier e.g. TS_01

        • Where <FRAME_IDX> is a three digit identifier of the movie that describes the order the data was collected in e.g. 000-040

        • Where <ANGLE> is the tilt-angle at which the movie was collected at e.g. 15.0

  • Defocus Estimation

  • Dose Filtering

    • The command alignframes which is part of the IMOD package is also used to do the filtering of movies based on the accumulated dose of each tilt-image.

CTF Correction

CTF correction is done in 3D using the program novaCTF, and a run script is included to facilitate performing novaCTF in parallel and on an SGE cluster.

Particle Picking

Particle picking is done using UCSF Chimera. First users use the built-in Volume Tracer utility to create a Marker Set of points at the center of spherical particles onto which seed positions or a collection of Marker Sets of points along tubular surfaces onto which seed positions. The number of Marker Sets used is not important in picking points on spheres, but in picking points on tubes, each tube should correspond to a single Marker Set. The collection of Marker Sets should be saved to a single file, one per tomogram with the name format:


    • Where <BASENAME> is your own filename identifier e.g. clicker.

    • Where <TOMOGRAM_IDX> is the tomogram number e.g. 1.

Motive Lists are then generated for the picked objects using the PickParticle plug-in developed in the Briggs’ lab by Kun Qu. The format of motive lists is detailed below, and the motive list is assumed to saved to a single file, one per tomogram with the name format:


Alignment and Averaging

The alignment parameters for a set of data are stored in a MOTive List or so-called MOTL file, which is a table of 20-fields stored in an EM-format binary data file. Particles are also extracted into subvolumes in EM-format from tomograms which are expected to be in MRC-format with the name:

  • <TOMOGRAM_IDX>.rec


Coordinate System

subTOM uses a right-handed coordinate system where positive rotations are clockwise looking along the directed axis. The orthogonal axes X, Y, Z are with the positive Z-axis pointing out of the screen out at the user.

Image Center

Since Matlab uses array-indices that start from 1, unlike most other programming languages which count from zero, the origin of a subvolume with dimensions, \(NX, NY, NZ\) is defined as:

\[O = (\left\lfloor{NX / 2}\right\rfloor + 1, \left\lfloor{NY / 2}\right\rfloor + 1, \left\lfloor{NZ / 2}\right\rfloor + 1)\]

Euler Angle Rotations

Rotations in MOTLs describe the best-found rotation of the reference to the particle in terms of ZXZ Euler angles in degrees. The Euler angle definition in subTOM is:

  • The first rotation Azimuth or psi (\(\psi\)) about the Z-axis.

  • The second rotation Zenith or theta (\(\theta\)) about the new X-axis.

  • The final rotaiton Spin or phi (\(\phi\)) about the final Z-axis.

This is particularly confusing given that phi and psi generally are swapped in other software packages, but is kept for historical reasons from the TOM-toolbox. Therefore care has been taken to use the unambiguous notation azimuth, zenith, and spin in most of the subTOM code and documentation.


Translations in MOTLs describe the best-found translation of the reference to the particle in pixels with respect to the subvolume origin. This translation occurs after the rotation of the reference about the subvolume origin.

Motive List Specification




Cross-Correlation Coefficient


Marker Set Used from PickParticle


Radius of tube/sphere in PickParticle


Particle Number (Running count from 1)


Tomogram Number (Running count from 1)


PickParticle Object Number (Running)


Tomogram Number (From Filename)


X-coordinate in Tomogram (Integer)


Y-coordinate in Tomogram (Integer)


Z-coordinate in Tomogram (Integer)


X-translation AFTER rotation of Ref.


Y-translation AFTER rotation of Ref.


Z-translation AFTER rotation of Ref.


Not Used (X-shift BEFORE rotation)


Not Used (Y-shift BEFORE rotation)


Not Used (Z-shift BEFORE rotation)


Spin Rotation of Ref. in Degrees


Azimuth Rotation of Ref. in Degrees


Zenith Rotation of Ref. in Degrees


Class Number

Class Number

The class number field acts as a field for classification, but also thresholding. Historically:

  • Particles that have class number 1 are always aligned and included in the final average.

  • Particles that have class number 2 are always aligned but are not included in the final average.

  • Particles that have class number \(\leq 0\) are not aligned nor included in the final average.

Remaining class numbers \(\gt 2\) can be used in classification to identify homogeneous subsets within a heterogeneous dataset.