
Joins and weights parallel average subsets.

    'all_motl_fn_prefix', all_motl_fn_prefix ('combinedmotl/allmotl'),
    'ref_fn_prefix', ref_fn_prefix ('ref/ref'),
    'weight_sum_fn_prefix', weight_sum_fn_prefix ('otherinputs/wei'),
    'iteration', iteration (1),
    'iclass', iclass (0),
    'num_avg_batch', num_avg_batch (1))

Takes the num_avg_batch parallel sum subsets with the name prefix ref_fn_prefix, the all_motl file with name prefix motl_fn_prefix and weight volume subsets with the name prefix weight_sum_fn_prefix to generate the final average, which should then be used as the reference for iteration number iteration. iclass describes which class outside of one is included in the final average and is used to correctly scale the average and weights.


    'all_motl_fn_prefix', 'combinedmotl/allmotl', ...
    'ref_fn_prefix', './ref/ref', ...
    'weight_sum_fn_prefix', 'otherinputs/wei', ...
    'iteration', 1, ...
    'iclass', 0, ...
    'num_avg_batch', 1)

See Also