
Creates a graphic of local search rotations.

    'psi_angle_step', psi_angle_step (0),
    'psi_angle_shells', psi_angl_shells (0),
    'phi_angle_step', phi_angle_step (0),
    'phi_angle_shells', phi_angle_shells (0),
    'initial_phi', initial_phi (0),
    'initial_psi', initial_psi (0),
    'initial_theta', initial_theta (0),
    'angle_fmt', angle_fmt ('degrees'),
    'marker_size', marker_size (0.1),
    'output_fn_prefix', output_fn_prefix (''))

Takes in the local search parameters used in subTOM psi_angle_step, psi_angle_shells, phi_angle_step, and phi_angle_shells; then produces a figure showing the angles that will be searched using an arrow marker. The angles are given in either radians or degrees depending on angle_fmt. The marker represents the X-axis after rotation and placed on the unit sphere. The initial marker position is at the north pole of the unit sphere. The size of the marker is determined by marker_size. The rotations can also be displayed centered on an initial rotation given by initial_phi, initial_psi, and initial_theta. If it is non-empty the figure will be written out in MATLAB figure, PDF and PNG format using the filename prefix output_fn_prefix.


    'psi_angle_step', 6, ...
    'psi_angle_shells', 7, ...
    'phi_angle_step', 6, ...
    'phi_angle_shells', 7, ...
    'initial_phi', 0, ...
    'initial_psi', 0, ...
    'initial_theta', 0, ...
    'angle_fmt', 'degrees', ...
    'marker_size', 0.02, ...
    'output_fn_prefix', 'alignment_1');

See Also