
Creates raw sums and Fourier weight sums in a batch.

    'all_motl_fn_prefix', all_motl_fn_prefix ('combinedmotl/allmotl'),
    'ref_fn_prefix', ref_fn_prefix ('ref/ref'),
    'ptcl_fn_prefix', ptcl_fn_prefix ('subtomograms/subtomo'),
    'weight_fn_prefix', weight_fn_prefix ('otherinputs/ampspec'),
    'weight_sum_fn_prefix, weight_sum_fn_prefix ('otherinputs/wei'),
    'iteration', iteration (1),
    'tomo_row', tomo_row (7),
    'num_avg_batch', num_avg_batch (1),
    'process_idx', process_idx (1))

Aligns a subset of particles using the rotations and shifts in all_motl_fn_prefix _#.em where # corresponds to iteration in num_avg_batch chunks to make a raw particle sum ref_fn_prefix _#_###.em where # corresponds to iteration and ### corresponds to process_idx. Fourier weight volumes with name prefix weight_fn_prefix will also be aligned and summed to make a weight sum weight_sum_fn_prefix _#_###.em. tomo_row describes which row of the motl file is used to determine the correct tomogram fourier weight file. In this multi-reference version of parallel sums, each unique value of iclass (row 20 in the motive list) will be summed and written out (excluding non-positive values).


    'all_motl_fn_prefix', 'combinedmotl/allmotl', ...
    'ref_fn_prefix', 'ref/ref', ...
    'ptcl_fn_prefix', 'subtomograms/subtomo', ...
    'weight_fn_prefix', 'otherinputs/ampspec', ...
    'weight_sum_fn_prefix, 'otherinputs/wei', ...
    'iteration', 1, ...
    'tomo_row', 7, ...
    'num_avg_batch', 1, ...
    'process_idx', 1)

See Also