
Transforms a motive list to (un)apply a tomogram rotx operation.

    'tomogram_dir', tomogram_dir (''),
    'tomo_row', tomo_row (7),
    'input_motl_fn', input_motl_fn (''),
    'output_motl_fn', output_motl_fn (''),
    'do_rotx', do_rotx (0))

Takes the motive list given by input_motl_fn, and if do_rotx evaluates to true as a boolean applies the same transformation as applied by ‘clip rotx’ in the IMOD package, and else applies the inverse transformation. The resulting motive list is then written out as output_motl_fn. The location of the tomograms needs to be given in tomogram_dir, as well as the field that specifies which tomogram to use for each particle in tomo_row. The size of the tomogram needs to be known to correctly transform the particle center coordinates in fields 8-10 in the motive list.


    'tomogram_dir', '/net/teraraid/dmorado/sample/date/tomos/bin4', ...
    'tomo_row', 7, ...
    'input_motl_fn', '../bin4/combinedmotl/allmotl_2.em', ...
    'output_motl_fn', 'combinedmotl/allmotl_bin4_rotx_1.em', ...
    'do_rotx', 0)

See Also